Dental bonding is a process in which a tough plastic material (resin) is applied to the teeth and then hardened by the use of a special light. The resin is tinted to match your teeth. Dental bonding is a simple procedure and doesn’t take return visits. A bonding procedure takes about an hour.
There are many great reasons to choose dental bonding. Consider a few of them:
● To repair cracked teeth.● To improve the look of discolored teeth.● To reshape teeth.● To reinforce the tooth root that is exposed by receding gums.
Preparation in Dental Bonding
Typically, anesthesia isn’t required when you get dental bonding. If the resinous bonding is repairing an exposed nerve, which isn’t uncommon in chipped or cracked teeth, anesthesia may be needed. The resin is mixed to match the natural color of your teeth, making for a functional and attractive treatment.
restorative dentistry services