Dental fillings are a treatment that restores teeth damaged by a cavity to their normal strength, structure, and function. Other dentists will use a drill for this process, but at Dental Wellness of Suffern, using a drill is not necessary. Instead, by using Solea Laser technology, we are able to remove decayed material and examine the cavity to ensure that there is no infection without the use of any needles. Solea Laser allows for fast, precise, anesthesia-free cavity fillings. Cavities must be filled even if they’re not painful at the moment because spaces and holes that compromise enamel allow bacteria to enter and destroy the tooth.
Whether you need dental cavities to be detected or fillings done, you can get in touch with Dental Wellness of Suffern and book an appointment with their dentist in Ramapo, dentist in Hillburn, dentist in Airmont, and other locations.
What’s the best filling for me?
Your dentist will make an assessment of your tooth using x-rays and a close visual exam of the affected area before making her recommendation. There are several choices for dental filling material, including:
● Composite Resins – These are tinted to match your teeth’s color and are the top choice for cosmetic considerations. Resin and hardener are mixed together and placed into the cavity. The composite hardens rapidly. Composites can be stained from tobacco, coffee, or tea. They last from 3 to 10 years and normally aren’t an ideal choice for large cavities.
● Silver Fillings – This is also called amalgam fillings which resist wear and tear well, and aren’t as expensive as gold fillings. They have a dark color and are more noticeable than composite fillings. Because of their visibility, they’re not a good choice for front teeth, but are an excellent choice for back teeth.
● Gold Fillings – These are the most expensive option, but they’re long lasting up to 20 years or more. It takes several visits to the Suffern family dentist for gold fillings to be fitted.
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