What to Expect During a Tooth Extraction?

What to Expect During a Tooth Extraction?

Dec 01, 2021

Tooth extractions among adults and teenagers are common for various reasons. Adults and teenagers both need wisdom teeth extractions emerging between 17 and 25 when insufficient space remains in the jaw for them. However, other reasons also make tooth extractions from the dentist in Suffern a requirement to preserve the integrity of your dental and overall health.

If improper dental hygiene and detrimental dietary habits have left you with excessive tooth decay, you may require the affected tooth or teeth in your mouth removed to preserve your oral health. Gum disease is another condition that weakens your jawbone to make tooth loss a foregone conclusion. In such cases, dentists recommend tooth removal before tooth loss occurs naturally.

Patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy to the head and neck area or considering having an organ transplant also need their compromised teeth removed to keep their mouths healthy. If you have crowded teeth and are considering orthodontic braces to straighten them, your dentist recommends removing a couple of teeth to create space for the remaining teeth to move into their correct positions.

What to Expect during the Tooth Extraction Procedure?

First of all, expect tooth extractions in Suffern to x-ray your tooth before scheduling the procedure. The dentist analyzes any medications you take, including vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs.

If you expect to receive treatment for another medical condition with the intravenous drug bisphosphonate, provide the Suffern family dentist with the information. The procedure for tooth extraction is scheduled before the therapy with bisphosphonate to ensure your jaw does not become prone to the risk of osteonecrosis.

Expect the dentist to share information on the type of anesthesia you will receive during the tooth removal procedure. Depending on the tooth’s location, the complexity of the removal and the duration of the process may receive local, intravenous, or general anesthesia.

Finally, expect to see fewer teeth in your mouth immediately after the procedure unless you prepare ahead of time and request the dentist to have replacement solutions ready for you to replace the extracted teeth.

The tooth extraction process proceeds according to your specific requirement. First, let us provide you with the differences between the tooth removal process.

Simple Extraction

After providing local anesthesia near the affected tooth, simple extractions are performed on visible teeth in your mouth by tooth extraction near me. If you are fearful of shots, the dentist applies topical anesthesia on your gums to numb the area before delivering the local anesthetic in your jaws. After your mouth is entirely numb and you feel nothing but pressure, the dentist takes the help of instruments called elevators to loosen the affected tooth and extract it with forceps.

Surgical Extraction

Surgical extractions are essential on teeth lying below the surface or impacted, and the process is complicated. You will likely receive sedation to calm your anxiety or intravenous anesthesia besides local anesthesia in your mouth for pain management. If any medical conditions affect you, the dentist may consider providing general anesthesia to keep you unconscious during surgery.

Surgical extractions require an oral surgeon to cut open your gums, making a tiny incision. Next, the surgeon may remove some bone from around the affected tooth or cut it into pieces for easy removal.

Whether you undergo a simple or surgical extraction, the dentist places gauze over the extraction site, asking you to bite on it until it is soaked with blood. You can return home immediately after tooth removal if your procedure merely required local anesthesia. However, if you need more potent anesthesia, you must remain at the dentist’s or oral surgeon’s office until you recover from the aesthetics and must have someone around to drive you back.

Tooth Extraction After-Care

You can use an ice pack over your cheeks soon after the procedure to reduce swelling. However, you must ensure the ice pack doesn’t remain on the cheeks for over 10 minutes at a time. Keep the gauze pad over the extraction site and bite on it to help clot formation. The dentist would have advised or prescribed painkillers to alleviate the pain from tooth extraction. Take the medications without exceeding the dosage.

Tooth removal is an excellent time to get some rest if you are involved in a physical job. Get some rest for at least 24 hours before jumping into your regular activities. Try to spend the day having soft foods that don’t require excessive chewing and avoid habits like smoking, consuming alcohol, or using straws for drinking liquids.

If you experience pain that isn’t subsiding or remains after several days besides causing fever and drainage from the incision, contact the dentist 10901 for advice as soon as possible.

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